Honoring a legend

One of the top highlights of the 2019 season was the honoring of coach Shaffer in week 3 vs North Valleys.  The Shaffer Family, Teri Bergstrom, and host of volunteers and donors placed a Memorial Touchstone at the base of the stairs at Surprise Stadium to honor Coach Shaffer.  The idea was to start a new Tradition at Truckee as the football teams walk down the stairs to TnT they would touch the stone to honor coach.  Though Shaffer’s Legendary status was already cemented into Truckee Football History, the stone literally planted his legacy for years to come.  Shaffer impacted all students at Truckee High School and beyond.  He received the Key to the Town of Truckee in 2010 and is forever in our hearts.  We know he is looking over us and is proud of our continued pursuit of excellence.  Shaffer coached football 18 seasons at Truckee and was also a track coach for many of those years.  He loved riding horses and spending time with his family.  Shaffer is dearly missed and I am proud to be part of this new Tradition that will extend his memory for years to come.  A huge thank you to the Shaffer Family for always supporting Truckee Football.  Specifically I’d like to thank Bob Shaffer Jr. for his tireless dedication to the Truckee Football Tradition.  Thank you to all who made the Touchstone happen:  Teri Bergstrom, Lopez Excavating, Al Pombo for the stone, Andy at Truckee-Tahoe Mortuary, Bobby Jones Concrete for setting the Stone, The Village Nursery for donating plants around the stone, and to everyone who donated to pay for the plaque on GoFundMe.
Dates:  Spring practice starts May 18th, Truckee’s 39th Lift-a-Thon June 3rd, and several 7 on 7’s planned before school gets out June 24th.  Stay tuned for more details given we get back to school this year.

April 1st 2017 the Truckee community was turned upside down and more specifically so was my life. We all lost a great person, great teacher, and great coach. Words can’t express how much gratitude, respect, and love that I have for Coach. We talked daily and I am going to miss him a great deal. Coach was an amazing mentor but an even better friend. He was the ultimate family man making us all feel like we were part of his family! He saw things in me (and everyone) that I never saw in myself. Shaffer brought the best out in all of us, giving us a sense of confidence that is unmatched. Coach had opponents but never had enemies. He was always gracious in victory and humble in defeat. That’s not to say he accepted a loss. He was the ultimate competitor and the master of preparation. I am honored to have been part of it all. He set a clear path and we all followed. I will do my very best to continue down that path. Thank you coach for entrusting me with the Pride and Tradition of the Truckee Wolverines!!!

Josh Ivens


Founded by physical education teacher Jim Brehler in the fall of 1952, Truckee Football has developed into an institution in our Town that has touched the lives of countless families. Our hope is that everyone that loves Truckee Football can make a connection here at Truckee Pride. Whether it’s keeping up or reuniting with old teammates, recalling our history, or keeping up with current Wolverines! Truckee Football is a Family and we look forward to seeing the many generations come together to be a part of the past, present, and future of Truckee Football.

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